[Discuss] SOS - need some phone numbers

Sue Kern discuss@kfcf.org
Mon Feb 4 18:54:01 2002

Mine is 877-5800.  I'll be leaving here around 10:30 to get to Fresno, pick
up the bread and get to Becky's  If you still need Becky's # by tomorrow am,
let me know and I'll find it.
----- Original Message -----
From: Debbie Speer <SatrnGrl@sbcglobal.net>
To: <discuss@kfcf.org>; <vbedoian@pacbell.net>
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 2:45 PM
Subject: [Discuss] SOS - need some phone numbers

> D'oh! I can't find my phone list - such a creature of e-mail.
> I need either Becky's phone number or, if she sees this, to call me.
> Actually, I suppose this also means I need ALL of your phone numbers!
> Duh.
> Word of warning - this cold I've had most of the week does not seem to
> be clearing up as soon as I'd hoped. Today it definitely is in my chest,
> so I don't think it would be a very good idea for me to be handling food
> tomorrow. I've already picked up paper plates, napkins and latex gloves
> for good measure, and Rych is taking care of the "bank" so there's
> change for the cash boxes.
> And because the cold is hanging on, I am doubly apprehensive about
> having David stay over here. I don't want to give this bug to him,
> either, and Jeff and I have both been down with it all week so the house
> is probably "contagious" on its own. If anyone can have him as a
> houseguest Sunday night (he's leaving in the morning for LA) I'd
> appreciate it. Otherwise I have to suggest we get him a hotel room.
> Anyway, please send me your phone numbers in case I need to call anyone
> at the last minute.
> Thanks,
> Deb
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