[Discuss] Fundraiser

Withers, Rychard E discuss@kfcf.org
Thu Jan 10 09:22:01 2002

----- Original Message ----- From: intermountain
To: office@kfcf.org <mailto:office@kfcf.org>  
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 4:38 PM 
Subject: Fw: Rych, Vic, Rick & Janet-Fundraiser June 1st? 
----- Original Message ----- From: intermountain
To: KFCF <mailto:subs-admin@kfck.org>  
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 2:11 PM 
Subject: Fw: Rych, Vic, Rick & Janet-Fundraiser June 1st? 
----- Original Message ----- From: intermountain
To: KFCF <mailto:subs-admin@kfck.org>  
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 9:41 AM 
Subject: attn: Rych, Vic, Rick & Janet-Fundraiser June 1st? 
Hi all, 
Getting our yearly events and classes flyer ready for the printer by end of
nest week (Jan 18th) and thinking about a Music Festival fundraiser at the
Nursery on Sat. June 1st all day. What do you all think? What about the
date? I was thinking of selling tickets for sliding scale Adult $20 - $35
and children $5-$10 ahead of time and at the door??? We could sell them and
you could too and we could have them avail through the mail or at special
spots in Fresno. Then I was thinking of inviting groups like Waddama, cloud
99, Tocanto, Jeremiah Barkman, Jemmy Bluestein & Evo, etc. to play on stage
for an hour or more throughout the day from 9am - 5pm. then we could have a
lunch table where people buy lunch and drinks and get the food donated too.
All proceeds go to KFCF. any ideas from you all? Please think this over and
let me know what you think. I will be making calls to get musicians lined up
and food lined up soon - this next week - so I can safely put it on the
calendar of events if you all think this date and idea will work. Thanks,