[Discuss] Thanks, everyone.

Sue Kern discuss@kfcf.org
Thu Jan 31 17:22:01 2002

Rick, if you want to or can make it to the next fundraising committee
meeting, it's 6 p.m. on 2/26 at Rebecca Willis' house (329 W. San
Madele Ave.]  Even if you can't make it, you can let us know what you
think needs to be done between now and the concert that we can help
on.  Also, if you need help rounding up volunteers for the March
clean-up, let me know, as I volunteered to be the "volunteer
coordinator" at the last Board meeting [though it sounds like you're
doing a great job of it].  

---- Original Message ----
From: rflores@kfcf.org
To: discuss@kfcf.org
Subject: Re: [Discuss] Thanks, everyone.
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 07:46:26 -0800

>Hi I am getting in a little late on this discussion, but since i'm 
>mentioned thought i should respond.
>Yes Leonard is the contact at Whole Foods. It's my understanding Vic 
>will approach him about the April 13 Undergrounds Garden benefit 
>with Utah Phillips, Kenny Hall and Jemmy Bluestein at the 
>appropriate time. (we still need to decide what type of food we want 
>for the event.)
>A lot of details have already fallen into place. Utah is booked and 
>so are Kenny and Jemmy. Terry Barrett will assist and accompany 
>Kenny as well as provide the sound and equipment.
>There is a work day scheduled for March 16 to help Andre spiff up 
>the landscape at the gardens. I am lining up capable volunteers. The 
>crew will consist of about 10-12 people who have yard and garden 
>skills. I have about a half-dozen gardening friends lined up 
>Presently, I am waiting for the contract for Utah Phillips to arrive 
>from his agent in New York. In the meantime i am getting the word 
>out to the media. Don Mayhew at the Bee plans to do a feature 
>article near the time of the event. So that will certainly help. I 
>have complete confidence this event will sell out! I will be 
>forwarding Vic Bedoian as complete a list of the details as i can 
>provide in the next few days.
>rick flores
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Withers, Rychard E" <rewithers@cbs.com>
>To: <discuss@kfcf.org>
>Cc: <rflores@kfcf.org> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 5:35 PM
>Subject: RE: [Discuss] Thanks, everyone.
>> > I spoke with both Rick Flores & Tom Willy who said they
>> >doesn't really know anyone at Whole Foods who is a good donation
>> >contact. 
>> Rick mentioned it to me.. so I guess he'd know 485-8755
>> The "team leader" at whole foods who handles this stuff with 
>non-profits is
>> Leonard Chabeil at 241-0300
>> I believe Rick said that it was Andre Forestierre who
>> mentioned the possility of Whole Foods doing the catering.  Who 
>> him well enough to follow-up on this?  La Boulangerie Bakery said
>> they'd help, maybe with sandwiches and/or brownies, and I think 
>> Nishkian would help prepare foods.
>> I understand that if you do a dinner with tables the seating is 
>120-150. And
>> probably double it for just chairs. I understand we're supposed to 
>help with
>> a work party to clean up the place. Rick has the details.
>>   Can we have a fundraising committee meeting sometime other than 
>> [which I can't be there
>> for]?  Maybe 2/26/02?
>> I bet you weren't there 1/19. :) <grin> 
>> ---- Original Message ----
>> From: SatrnGrl@sbcglobal.net
>> To: discuss@kfcf.org
>> Subject: Re: [Discuss] Thanks, everyone.
>> Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:51:34 -0800
>> >Thanks, Becky.... I'm still working on the "feeling better" part 
>so I
>> >treated
>> >myself to another sick day today. I thought I was dead tired when 
>> >got
>> >home
>> >around 11 last night, but then I found almost impossible to 
>> >So I
>> >figured I was entitled to play hooky. :)
>> >
>> >I just got off the phone w/Vic a bit ago and with everything 
>> >and
>> >expenses deducted, we cleared more than $1,400.
>> >
>> >Bravo, everybody!
>> >
>> >-Deb
>> >
>> >Cvtsbw@aol.com wrote:
>> >
>> >> It was our pleasure to help.  Hope you are feeling better soon. 
>> >You did a
>> >> great
>> >> job yourself.  Thank-you for organizing the event.
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