[FFCF-Fundraising] Re: Fresno Folklore Society

skern at sti.net skern at sti.net
Wed Jul 7 11:55:09 PDT 2004

Hi Pat, we met about the 8/27/04 event last night and we think its a
great idea and appreciate your willingness to do it.  We had a couple
of questions though:  Do you think we'll need any additional sound
equipment or does Elenore (or you) have what you need?  Do you have
chairs and/or should the flyer just say to bring a chair or blanket? 
Do you want me to do a flyer for this or would you rather do it? 
(And will you be putting it in the Folklore Society newsletter)?  If
you want me to do a flyer, do you have a picture I could use (or I
guess I could get one from their website...).  Do you want to make a
cart for KFCF to play or should we?  (If you want us to do it, do you
have a CD we can use for background music?)

That's all I can think of right now, but let us know if there's
anything else we need to do (other than get the wine, beer, soft
drinks and salty things to make people want to drink more).  Do you
have 2 or 3 tables for the drinks or do we need to bring some?  Leni
Reeves has agreed to be the point person for this event on our end,
since I'll be out of town from 8/21 through 8/29.  In case you don't
have her phone number, it's 855-4511, and you can always e-mail me
until then too.

---- Original Message ----
From: patwolk at yahoo.com
To: skern at sti.net
Subject: Re: Fresno Folklore Society
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 15:03:57 -0700 (PDT)

>Hi Sue--
>I can't make it to the meeting as FFS is having one
>the same night.  Yes you may sell wine, beer, soft
>drinks for a donation. I doubt if we can advertise
>that because of liquor license and such.  Forget the
>food.  That's too much hassle.   Filtered water is
>You see where I've made the proposal and I asked Utah
>Phillips if that was a fair offer.  He knows them and
>supports their music and confirmed the fair offer. 
>They may not even be available that weekend.  But
>we'll see.
>Will you be in town for July 10? A fundraiser for
>another poor musician with cancer.  I'm attaching a
>list of upcoming concerts. Psass it on.  We've moved
>some of the concerts to the larger venue at First
>Congregational as they were selling out--Utah
>Phillips, Holly Near, and John McCutcheon.
>Below are a list of the concerts but I've attached a
>word file with the same info for downloading.  Pat
>LOOK! WHOS COMING TO FRESNO !   Fresno Folklore
>Society Concerts
>July 10,  7:30  Mary McCaslin concert in the Wolk
>Garden. Western singer/songwriter Archtype.    6661 N.
>Forkner     $15  Cancer Benefit for  folk musicians
>Jimmy & Nancy Borsdorf
> Info:  431-3653        FFS members & friends invited
>to  4pm swim; 5:30 potluck prior to concert
>August 1, 7:00   John Renbourn, folk-baroque guitar
>master from England
>Fresno Art Museum $12 Advance & FFS members; $15 at
>door.  www.john-renbourn.com
>Info: 435-7374.  
>September 17, 7:30  Bluegrass Intentions, Fresno Art
>Museum--Hottest bluegrass group
>to come out of the Bay Area in years.  Bluegrass
>sounds like bluegrass, the old-time sounds the way it
>should...  Bluegrass Unlimited   $15 advance & FFS
>members; $20 at door
>www.bluegrassintentions.com  Info:  431-3653
>October 22, 7:30   Utah Phillips  First Congregational
>Church, 2131 Van Ness, south of Clinton.  $20 all
>tickets.   www.utahphillips.org  Info:  431-3653
>October 22-24 :  Kenny Hall Birthday Weekend Bash. 
>Sweets Mill String Band Reunion.
>Info:  228-8863.  Benefit for Kenny Hall Documentary.
>December 3, Friday:  Holly Near  First Congregational
>Church.  Singer-songwriter, she is a skilled performer
>who brings to the stage an integration of world
>consciousness, spiritual discovery, and theatricality.
>          $20 advance; $25 at door.  PH: 447-5397.    
>     www.hollynear.com
>And More!  Keep posted.     John McCutcheon in January
> skern at sti.net wrote:
>> Sounds good to me Pat, though I will be out of town
>> that week.  We
>> have a fundraising committee meeting scheduled for
>> next Tues. night
>> and I'll put this on the agenda.  Would we be able
>> to sell drinks,
>> etc. to add to the proceeds?  I'll get back to you
>> after our meeting.
>> [If you'd be interested in participating in the
>> meeting, let me
>> know...]  
>> ---- Original Message ----
>> From: patwolk at yahoo.com
>> To: kammmac at netshel.net
>> Subject: Re: Fresno Folklore Society
>> Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 13:55:04 -0700 (PDT)
>> >Hi Elenore--Loved your presentation at Kate Fest. 
>> >What I'd like to do is have a garden concert
>> >fundraiser for our local  kpfa affiliate KFCF.  We
>> are
>> >independently owned and always struggling for
>> money. 
>> >You may rmember when kpfa was shut down, we were
>> able
>> >to downlink Democracy Now and keep Amy Goodman on
>> the
>> >air.  She loves us.  
>> >
>> >The date I'm thinking of is either Friday August 27
>> or
>> >Saturday August 28.  We could pay you $500 and
>> house
>> >you here in our home.  Ask Utah if you have any
>> >questions. He loves us.  He will be performing on
>> >October 22 at the Kenny Hall Birthday bash. 
>> >
>> >The one acre garden is beautiful (it was on this
>> >year's Master Gardeners Spring tour) and Fresnans
>> are
>> >open and generous and good cd buyers. All sales are
>> >yours; we take no percentage. You may have seen
>> some
>> >of our Peace Fresno group in Fahrenheit 911.  
>> >
>> >We would charge $20 and have a sliding scale for
>> the
>> >living on the edge folks and target the Peace
>> >community and listeners of the radio station.  All
>> >profit would go to the radio station. FFS just
>> tries
>> >to keep its head above water and have enough in the
>> >bank in case something fails.  My Seattle
>> son-in-law,
>> >Hannsjoerg Scheid (www.hazzazar.com)  is a folk
>> >performer so I know how difficult it is to put food
>> on
>> >the table.  My phone number is 559-431-3653.  I
>> hope
>> >to hear from you soon.  
>> >
>> >
>> > --- kammmac <kammmac at netshel.net> wrote:
>> >> Hello Pat
>> >> 
>> >> It was a pleasure to meet you at the Kate Fest
>> and
>> >> I'm following up on our
>> >> conversation about our performing there in Fresno
>> >> for the FFS.
>> >> 
>> >> We would be delighted to.... Please let us know
>> if
>> >> you still will consider
>> >> us for a performance and when you may be thinking
>> it
>> >> would work. Would you
>> >> want us as a duo (we usually tour as a duo) or
>> the
>> >> 'Little Band'?
>> >> 
>> >> Hope to hear from you soon. Take carfe, Pat.
>> >> Blessings of peace
>> >> Eleanore MacDonald
>> >> 
>> >> Paul Kamm & Eleanore MacDonald
>> >> modern folk music
>> >> http://www.kammmac.com  -
>> >> http://www.cdbaby.com/all/kammmac
>> >> 
>> >> "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent
>> >> about the things that
>> >> matter." 
>> >>  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
>> >> 
>> >> DENNIS KUCINICH  the man for the People 
>> >> http://www.kucinich.us
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >
>> >
>> >=====
>> >Pat Wolk
>> >6661 N. Forkner
>> >Fresno, CA 93711
>> >
>> >559-431-3653
>Pat Wolk
>6661 N. Forkner
>Fresno, CA 93711

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