[FFCF-Fundraising] Banquet

Sue Ellen Kern skern at sierratel.com
Mon Jul 26 22:03:33 PDT 2004

The only Board members who weighed in on which of the available dates we should reserve for the banquet were Debbie and I.  Leni reserved it (tentatively) for 10/24 (Sunday), but then Deb indicated that might be a problem for some KPFA attendees due to the LAB meeting that Saturday.   At this point, I think we should decide based on which day (if either) Jello Biafra is available (or Scoop Nisker if there's an off chance he could make it and Jello can't).  Rych, can we try to find out for sure about Jello by the end of this week, and if we can't confirm him, start calling others (like Scoop and anyone else we can think of)?  

Also, Leni says that once we choose a still available date, we'll need to put down a $500 deposit to hold it.  Vic, is that do-able?  
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