[FFCF-Fundraising] Minutes from 4/5/05 Committee Meeting

Sue Kern skern at sti.net
Mon Apr 18 18:44:46 PDT 2005

Hi, sorry this is so late, but here's my notes from our last meeting
to remind you of things you agreed to do.  See you tomorrow!

KFCF Fundraising Committee
Notes from 4/5/05 Committee Meeting

In attendance:  Rych W., Diane L., Cathy L., Sue K.

1. Debrief of North Fork Scoop Nisker event:  Gross receipts
collected to date are $2873.45.  Expenses include $95.82 in postage
for the mailing, $500 paid to Scoop (plus $205 for hotel and Amtrak
costs), $200 for rental of hall, $85 for food supplies purchased by
Berry Niskian, and $250 to Full Circle for the beer and mead (for
total expense of $1335.82).  That leaves net proceeds of $1,537.63. 
It was agreed that we should have kept better track of who had paid
for dinner and who had just purchased an event ticket.  Not everyone
who sold tickets checked the appropriate box, and it was agreed that
we should have used a separate dinner ticket or hand stamp to keep
track of who had paid for dinner.  It was also agreed that we should
have offered soda and regular wine in addition to water and Full
Circle mead.  We also should have checked with Scoop ahead of time to
determine what equipment he would need, as we had to scramble at the
last minute to arrange for an amplified CD player.   And the flyer
should have included a map of how to get to Town Hall from Fresno. 
It was agreed that the fundraising committee will develop a check
list that includes these points for future events.

2. Fundraising letter re: transmitter:  Sue reported that she hadn’t
been able to get this done, but would try to have a draft by the next
board meeting.

3. 30th anniversary celebration:  It was noted that this is not
actually a fundraiser as we won’t be charging admission.  We have
applied for the Umbrella Grove at Roeding Park for this event, and
Sue sent a letter to the Parks Dept. asking them to co-sponsor it
and/or to waive the normal $196/fee.  It was agreed that we should
try to get a variety of music to reflect the cultural diversity of
the community (and the diversity of programming on KPFA/KFCF.  We’d
like to get a mariachi band, a middle eastern musician or group, and
possibly gospel music.  Tocanto and Full Circle Band have already
agreed to play and Offline has agreed to provide solar powered
electricity.  Rych will begin trying to locate a sound system and
person, and will check out the feasibility of a live broadcast of the
event.  Diane will ask about HS choral groups, including Jeff Bowman
of Roosevelt HS marimba band, and Cathy will ask Woody if he knows of
any gospel groups.  Sue will speak with Ali about making this a
project of the Outreach Committee as well.

4. Dave Lippman:  his e-mail says he’ll be on tour in this area
during July and August, and he usually asks for half the take at the
door.  It was agreed that the best venues for this would be either
the Full Circle Brewery or one of the colleges, and that the
committee will ask Stan and Gerry about the possibility of holding it
at Fresno State or Fresno City.

5. 6/6/05 benefit at Full Circle:  Rick and Janet Flores are
coordinating this and will be arranging for the musicians, food, etc.
We will help publicize it, sell tickets, etc.  

6. Visalia fundraiser:  Vic and Sue saw Coleman Head at the Rally in
the Valley and he gave us his local cell phone number to contact him
about a benefit in Visalia (possibly with Randy Sharp). We also met
Kim Loeb from the South Valley Peace Center who said they’d be
interested in helping with this event. Rych will call Coleman and
Randy and Sue will call the Peace Center once we get a date from
them.  Another possible venue is a place Glen Delpit plays in Visalia
regularly, if the Peace Center doesn’t have an appropriate building
to use.  Rych will check on that option, and other possibilities
include the Quaker meeting hall and Don Manro who runs a low-power
radio station down there.

7. Aaron Glance has just finished a book and has offered to come
speak in Fresno.  It was generally agreed that this might be a good
target of opportunity for advancing a local news bureau (whether or
not we get the grant), and that we should aim for having him speak at
Fresno State or City College and do a push to the journalism
departments to get interns for the news bureau.  We will ask Stan and
Gerry about contacts for this.  Rych or Vic will see when Aaron’s

8. Banquet:  We’re waiting to see if Vic is able to get Amy to agree
to come some time in the fall as a banquet speaker (and we’d schedule
the banquet around her schedule if she’s agreeable).  We could also
consider Aaron Glance as a possible banquet speaker if Amy Goodman
isn’t available.  It was agreed that we need to get someone committed
soon as the longer we wait, the less chance they’d be available.

9. Earth Day- This is also not specifically a fundraising event
(though we’ll be selling t-shirts, caps and bumper stickers there. 
It’s on Sunday, 4/24/05 at Avocado Lake (off 180), and we’ll be
asking Board members to help staff a KFCF table.  Cathy will talk
with Vic about ordering more t-shirts, caps, etc.

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