[FFCF-Fundraising] Banquet Deposit

Sue Kern skern at sti.net
Wed Aug 6 11:19:52 PDT 2008

Hi Rych, Vickie and I met with Love & Garlic Monday night and they
drew up a "estimate" for the 10/26/08 banquet.  As usual, it calls
for an initial $1000 deposit which is due now, with another $1500 due
by 8/26/08, another $1493.52 due by 9/26, and the rest ($497.85) due
just before the event.  

I can get you a copy of this estimate when we see you Friday night,
but can you get a check ready for the initial deposit?

Also, I'll be writing up the notes from our Fundraising/Outreach
meeting this weekend, but we'd like to send out the banquet letter
(that includes solicitation for tickets, ads and auction/raffle
items) in the next 2-3 weeks, with the fundraising letter I was told
you're working on going out later in the year, in early December.  We
can talk about that too on Friday if you'd like.

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