[FFCF-Fundraising] Meeting with Love & Garlic

Sue Kern skern at sti.net
Wed Jul 30 16:26:44 PDT 2008

Based on the confirmation Vickie got from Davey D. for 10/26/08 as a
banquet date, I've told Love & Garlic that's the one we'll use.  I
talked to them about an appointment to go over menu issues, and have
suggested either Monday, 8/4/08 at 5 p.m. (since our fundraising
committee meeting would be at 6:30 the same night), or Tues., 8/19/08
at 5:30 p.m. (since our Board meeting is that night).  I figured that
way Vickie (and anyone else on the committee who wants to attend)
wouldn't have to come to Fresno twice.  Are either of those days
available for you?

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