[FFCF-PNA] FW: KFCF Suggestions

Vic Bedoian vbedoian at kfcf.org
Fri Mar 4 11:29:33 PST 2005

 Here is a copy of the my response to Jeremy Hofer's letter:

-----Original Message-----
From: Vic Bedoian [mailto:vbedoian at kfcf.org]
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2005 11:25 AM
To: 'Jeremy Hofer'
Subject: KFCF Suggestions

Hi Jeremy,

I might not be here when you come to do your show today, but wanted to
respond to your letter in a more detailed way.  First of all thanks for the
suggestions and ideas.  You should always feel free to do it.  I wish that
you would have shared them with me (in program director mode) before
releasing it as a public document on the eve of a media conference.  Not
that any of these ideas shouldn't be open to public discourse, but rather
any changes or ideas incorporated would be done by the KFCF program
director, program committee and board, not the general public, or even other
community groups.  Not to belabor that point, the ideas themselves are
worthy of consideration.  Here is what I think point by point.

1.  An apprenticeship program is perhaps a good idea for the future.  To
have more production and other tasks being done by skilled volunteers would
be a good thing.  Resources are the issue here.  My job responsibilities of
running the office, being program director, producing, helping programmers,
working on fundraising events, overseeing elections and other foundation
tasks is all consuming.  Cathy Lindeboom is also very busy with the jobs she
is doing.  Such a program would have to be funded separately and have a
staff.  KPFA is a much bigger and richer station, even they have to do
fundraising for their apprenticeship program.  Also their program requires
people to commit to numerous hours, on multiple days a week for a year.  So
basically there is no staff time, nor funding available to do a full scale
apprenticeship program.  Maybe in the future or maybe a scaled down version.
2.  Quarterly gatherings are a good idea.  We had one last fall and should
do another one soon.  Do you want to help organize the next one?  I've got a
mailing list in my computer.  The last one was a party but the next one
should be more of a meeting to exchange info etc.
3.  We have had training classes in the past and I'm open to doing another
one under the right conditions.  Currently I train people individually as
needed or requested.  There are several issues to be taken into
consideration.  There has to be a firm time commitment by trainees.  Many
times I have trained people and then they evaporate for a variety of
reasons.  There have to be good reasons for us to train someone.  A specific
purpose.  Simply training people to "do radio" if they aren't producing a
program in some way, is not a good use of limited staff time.  We can have
more classes in the future if there are folks who want it.  In addition to
the above, KFCF and KPFA are collaborating on building a KPFA News - Valley
Bureau based at KFCF.  Part of this will be a training program for news
reporting and production.  The goal is for it to happen in 2005.  That will
create a small core of skilled reporters on which we can build.
4.  I fully agree that there should be more show promotion and cross
promotion on KFCF.  I have suggested this to programmers collectively and
individually in the past with not too many takers.  Some motivated people
have and are doing carts for shows.  I will re-encourage programmers in a
memo and Cathy or I are willing to help.  Do you have one for your show?
Would you be able to help with a systematic project to do this for all KFCF
5.  A good suggestion in theory.  I'm a big fan of well-produced reports,
features and documentaries.  I grew up in radio producing documentaries, and
think it's a higher art form than talk radio.  The truth is most local
programmers have not wanted to learn the requisite skills create produced
pieces.  With a few exceptions, most are content to do live, or sometimes
recorded, interviews. To do the necessary work of producing a piece (as you
know) takes a lot of time.  It takes a commitment that I don't see in
general, and for good reasons.  People have jobs, other community or family
commitments, they don't have the time.  It takes an inner drive of some kind
to want to do it.  For those who do have the desire and time, we are happy
to encourage and assist potential producers.  Again, the news bureau project
will develop some new and skilled producers for both the KPFA News and for
local or internet based programs.  I agree that local programs would be
enhanced by having a production team of people with degrees of skill and
experience.  I have encouraged that in the past and it could be reiterated.
Again, it is based on the willingness of the various programmers to approach
their show that way.  It should be encouraged and I think it would help with
production values.  Do you have any specific ideas for how to go about doing

Thanks again for the ideas. When you want to discuss them in more detail
just give me a call or email me.

Best Wishes,

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