[FFCF-PNA] Programming Committee Minutes

david at kfcf.org david at kfcf.org
Fri Feb 13 10:32:30 PST 2009

Programming Committee Minutes

1. Meeting convened at 5:15pm with Rych Withers, Leni Reeves, Frank
Delgado, Barry Chambers, Marc Scalzo & David Gendron.

2. Evaluation of Valley Black Talk. Program at times lack focus. Committee
consensus was that having a program director would improve interviews with
guests and cohesiveness of the show between its different hosts. Valley
Black Talk provides a valuable contribution to the community and the
programming committee wants it to continue.

3. Evaluation of Dixieland Jazz. Lou does a good job of informing
listeners of the different nuances of Dixieland Jazz and where they are
being preformed in the valley and also back announces song titles often.

4. Leni to talk on translation costs for Cambodian show. Wants to be
certain of legal compliance.

5. Frank Delgado is going to update evaluation form and simplify in order
that programming committee can use for future evaluations.

6. Will ask programmers to do self-evaluation. Committee concensus that
the best way to improve programs is for programmers to review their own
show. Rych and Frank will review self-evaluation with programmers.

7. Next programs for review are Alternative Radio and Interstellar Lounge.

8. Next meeting March 11th at the station.

9. Meeting adjourned at 6:40pm.

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