[Discuss] fundraising possibility?

Sue Ellen Kern discuss@kfcf.org
Sun Dec 16 18:36:01 2001

Seems worth a try to me.  What do we have to lose?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Debbie Speer" <SatrnGrl@sbcglobal.net>
To: <discuss@kfcf.org>; <vbedoian@pacbell.net>
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 11:06 PM
Subject: [Discuss] fundraising possibility?

> The link below goes to the mission statement for the Guacamole Fund --
> don't laugh; they produced the MUSE concerts and tons of benefits for
> large AND small organizations like our own. Bonnie Raitt, Jackson
> Browne, Shawn Colvin and others like them regularly perform Guacamole
> Fund-produced benefits, and the Fund takes care of the legwork and other
> technical aspects of putting on a big benefit. They are also big on
> working with community groups in local areas in staging them.
> Pollstar just did a feature on their director, which is how I found this
> group. From what he told our reporter, they are looking for groups that
> sound an awful lot like us to help fund since Sept. 11. Please check out
> the link below, and click around the rest of their web site. I think it
> might be a good idea to Think Big and at least contact them to see if
> they might be interested in a little ole group like ours. Let me know
> what you think, and if it seems worth a try, I'll contact them.
> http://cidnet.net/bporch/guacamole2.htm
> -Deb
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