[Discuss] David Gans...News!

Debbie Speer discuss@kfcf.org
Thu Dec 20 23:48:00 2001

Sigh. If I learn nothing else from this entire experience, it's NEVER, EVER
assume all is set in stone until it is.  And if it's a Deadhead thing, maybe
not even then.  Cuz you just never know. :)

David didn't mean Jan. 26. Good thing. Freddy Martinez booked the club out on
that date some 4 days ago.

So I let David know this, and that's fine because he "meant" Jan. 27 anyway.
I did have Fred pencil us in for 1/27 NO MATTER WHAT. We might want to take
advantage of that even if David & Co. don't make it? Brad Rogers has offered
another Gatherin Of The Okies. And I have a committment for a massive pizza
donation whenever it happens.  :)

Problem is, his band members are still not committed after all. But David is
telling me that he will come play solo that date if that's what it comes down
to. He is still nagging the band, and once again PROMISES to let me know "in
a day or two."  He did tell me he would still try to have the band come back
later in the year if they don't get it together now.

Even though it's been almost a year's worth of nagging, David means well. I'm
confident he'll come through for us in a big way, whenever the stars line up
and the moment's rigjht. Or something. :)

So with any luck, we may get David Gans solo next month, and a historic
Reptiles reunion in the summer.

Excuse the cliche, but it continues to be a long, strange trip. :)

More as I know it.


Cvtsbw@aol.com wrote:

> Sounds better than O.K.  I can help with housing.  I have one guest room.
> Becky
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