[Discuss] Free Wine?

Rychard E Withers discuss@kfcf.org
Fri Apr 5 11:41:01 2002

Don Anderson of Los Californios Winery of Fresno has contacted KFCF with an
offer to pour wine and mead at the Utah event. I ran into him last night at
the art hop and told him I didn't know what our status was on this, as last
I saw there was debate about free drinks and selling food vs. selling food
and drinks.

Anyway he has made a very genrous offer and had a very good orange blossom
mead and is interested in doing this at Utah or the interMountain event.

I leave this to the Fundraising subcommittee....
-Rych Withers
Fresno Free College Foundation, President

Don Anderson
Business Manager
Los Californios Winery
620 F St
Fresno CA 93704

Rychard E Withers * Fresno CA 93703 - Broadcast Engineer