[Discuss] Free Wine?

Sue Kern discuss@kfcf.org
Fri Apr 5 17:53:01 2002

Would he allow us to charge for the wine?  It wouldn't be hard to get
a 1 day ABC license to sell it, and I'd rather sell it than give it
away, unless we're charging for the soup and the wine can be
available with the purchase of the soup.  I'd also like to get a keg
donated and sell that too.  Odwalla is donating 300 pints of juice
that can also be sold.  Is it too late if we discuss it at the Tues.
fundraising committee meeting?  If the rest of the Board is 
interested, I can check out the ABC license on Monday.

---- Original Message ----
From: rych@rych.org
To: rflores@kfcf.org, discuss@kfcf.org, 
Subject: RE: [Discuss] Free Wine?
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 11:40:32 -0800

>Don Anderson of Los Californios Winery of Fresno has contacted KFCF 
>with an
>offer to pour wine and mead at the Utah event. I ran into him last 
>night at
>the art hop and told him I didn't know what our status was on this, 
>as last
>I saw there was debate about free drinks and selling food vs. 
>selling food
>and drinks.
>Anyway he has made a very genrous offer and had a very good orange 
>mead and is interested in doing this at Utah or the interMountain 
>I leave this to the Fundraising subcommittee....
>-Rych Withers
>Fresno Free College Foundation, President
>Don Anderson
>Business Manager
>Los Californios Winery
>620 F St
>Fresno CA 93704
>Rychard E Withers * Fresno CA 93703 - Broadcast Engineer
>Discuss mailing list