[Discuss] Fundraiser

Sue Kern discuss@kfcf.org
Thu Jan 10 17:59:08 2002

I like it, but I'm not sure how it would work charging admission "at
the door."  The nursery doesn't really have a door, and how would we
distinguish between nursery customers and those there to attend the
music festival?  If Bonnie & Ray are willing to do this though, I
think we should work with them and go for it.

---- Original Message ----
From: rewithers@cbs.com
To: discuss@kfcf.org
Subject: RE: [Discuss] Fundraiser
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 12:21:52 -0500

>----- Original Message ----- From: intermountain
>To: office@kfcf.org <mailto:office@kfcf.org>  
>Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 4:38 PM 
>Subject: Fw: Rych, Vic, Rick & Janet-Fundraiser June 1st? 
>----- Original Message ----- From: intermountain
>To: KFCF <mailto:subs-admin@kfck.org>  
>Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 2:11 PM 
>Subject: Fw: Rych, Vic, Rick & Janet-Fundraiser June 1st? 
>----- Original Message ----- From: intermountain
>To: KFCF <mailto:subs-admin@kfck.org>  
>Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 9:41 AM 
>Subject: attn: Rych, Vic, Rick & Janet-Fundraiser June 1st? 
>Hi all, 
>Getting our yearly events and classes flyer ready for the printer by 
>end of
>nest week (Jan 18th) and thinking about a Music Festival fundraiser 
>at the
>Nursery on Sat. June 1st all day. What do you all think? What about 
>date? I was thinking of selling tickets for sliding scale Adult $20 
>- $35
>and children $5-$10 ahead of time and at the door??? We could sell 
>them and
>you could too and we could have them avail through the mail or at 
>spots in Fresno. Then I was thinking of inviting groups like 
>Waddama, cloud
>99, Tocanto, Jeremiah Barkman, Jemmy Bluestein & Evo, etc. to play 
>on stage
>for an hour or more throughout the day from 9am - 5pm. then we could 
>have a
>lunch table where people buy lunch and drinks and get the food 
>donated too.
>All proceeds go to KFCF. any ideas from you all? Please think this 
>over and
>let me know what you think. I will be making calls to get musicians 
>lined up
>and food lined up soon - this next week - so I can safely put it on 
>calendar of events if you all think this date and idea will work. 
>Discuss mailing list