[Discuss] SOS - need some phone numbers

Debbie Speer discuss@kfcf.org
Sat Jan 26 14:40:01 2002

D'oh! I can't find my phone list - such a creature of e-mail.

I need either Becky's phone number or, if she sees this, to call me.
Actually, I suppose this also means I need ALL of your phone numbers!

Word of warning - this cold I've had most of the week does not seem to
be clearing up as soon as I'd hoped. Today it definitely is in my chest,
so I don't think it would be a very good idea for me to be handling food
tomorrow. I've already picked up paper plates, napkins and latex gloves
for good measure, and Rych is taking care of the "bank" so there's
change for the cash boxes.

And because the cold is hanging on, I am doubly apprehensive about
having David stay over here. I don't want to give this bug to him,
either, and Jeff and I have both been down with it all week so the house
is probably "contagious" on its own. If anyone can have him as a
houseguest Sunday night (he's leaving in the morning for LA) I'd
appreciate it. Otherwise I have to suggest we get him a hotel room.

Anyway, please send me your phone numbers in case I need to call anyone
at the last minute.
