[Discuss] 2/26 meeting recap?

Debbie Speer discuss@kfcf.org
Wed Mar 6 08:57:01 2002

Appreciate the update, Becky.

Alcoholic beverages?  Hrmmm... would we or Intermountain Nursery need a license to sell alcohol?  I know we've had wine and cheese at some events, but they were always given away as refereshments, not sold. Might be worth  checking into. On the other hand, people have to drive down the mountain when it's over. <g>

Auction of air time:  Something like this should *always* be run past Vic first, as he is the program director. It is something I would NOT be in favor of doing for numerous reasons. 

Re-design of bumper stickers and T-shirts is waaay past overdue, and I mentioned it to Rych and Mark when we met last weekend. I think a contest is a great idea; I'd like to be sure we contact some graphic designers to participate.

Silent auction: Great idea as long as we can get enough quality items (artwork, personal services, etc.) to auction. Did anyone volunteer to coordinate this?  

How is progress on lining up musicians going? 

Plus, I understand there may be parking issues at the Underground Garden for Utah's show. Don't know what to do about that, but I hear Andre is working on it.


>>> Cvtsbw@aol.com 03/05/02 02:58PM >>>
Hi Debbie,
We didn't schedule another meeting.
Sue was going to call the people at the nursery and inquire about some 
things, like "can we sell alcoholic beverages?"
We thought that a silent auction would be a good idea for the event.
We need to fill out the performers list, and Sue was going to contact some 
people she knows.
We thought it would be fun to auction a DJ hour on KFCF, if that's possible.  
The winner would have an hour to play music, read poetry, take call-ins.

We talked about adding to the KFCF tee shirt selection by designing one that 
refers to the mission of the station:  "KFCF--on the left side of the dial".  
Or something to that effect.
This is just a preliminary recap.  More to come.
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