[FFCF-Fundraising] Follow-up to last meeting

Sue Ellen Kern skern at sierratel.com
Thu Apr 8 11:28:39 PDT 2004

Here's a list from my notes of what we agreed to do in follow-up to our last meeting (let me know if I missed anything):

To Do List:


For Amy Event:


SK:      Make Donation buckets

            Plaques for wine donors

            Make flyer for intermountain event for table

            Do confirmation calls for volunteers

            Get voter registration materials


Rych:   Find someone to record Amy's speech

            Set up conference call for committee for 4/13 (and e-mail re: how to dial)


Vic:     See if we have Flyer from Karen Tangle for Jay Kishor

            Get info for Water movie flyer (for tables at Amy event & Earth Day)

            Get enough books for reception attendees

            Get enough t-shirts


Volunteers:     Set up/cleanup at reception

                        Take Tickets at reception

                        Staff table at Satellite Union

                        Voter registration at Satellite Union

                        Pass buckets after Amy's speech


For Intermountain Event:


SK:      Call Patrick Bourelle re: bread

            Prepare flyer unless Bonnie wants to do it

            Get Hansel to provide cheese and salad greens


Rych:  Contact Kelly or Wade re: sound for event


Vic:     Get hand stamp or tickets for meal

            Get raffle tickets


Chris:  Get veggies from Tom Willey

            Confirm bands and get info to Sue for flyer


Kathy: Massage table


Raffle Items?  (Ask whole Board to contribute)





Vic:     Ask Su Kapoor re: Indian food for Jay Kishor concert

            Call Jim Piper or Terry Barrett re: projector for Water movie

  Call Bob Balzac re: speakers coming to Berkeley in Fall (e.g. Laura 

        Flanders, Scoop Nisker)

  Confirm location for Water movies


Rych:   Follow up with Speak-Out (Committee or whole Board needs to review list)

            Follow-up with Upstairs/Downtown as banquet location


Plan food for water event and Jay Kishor concert

Table at Earth Day re: upcoming events

All Board members start getting ad commitments for banquet program




Next Fundraising Committee Meeting:


4/13/04:            (Phone conference call-Rych to e-mail with time and procedure)


4/20/04:            6:30 (half hour before board meeting, at Unitarian Church)

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