[FFCF-Fundraising] RE: Fwd: Re: August 27

skern at sti.net skern at sti.net
Thu Jul 15 08:15:29 PDT 2004

Thanks Pat!  Leni, here's the answer to the sound system question. 
They can bring their own!  
>---- Original Message ----
>From: patwolk at yahoo.com
>To: vbedoian at kfcf.org, rflores at kfcf.org, skern at sierratel.com
>Subject: RE: Fwd: Re: August 27
>Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 18:04:22 -0700 (PDT)
>>Hi folks--Here's a message from Kamm & MacDonald.
>>Rick, I hope you can interview them.  Contact them
>>directly when  and if you can.  They're terrific.  I'm
>>hoping for a great turnout.  Check out their website: 
>> www.kammmac.com   Pat
>>Note: forwarded message attached.
>>kakistocracy (n) Government by the least qualified or most
>unprincipled citizens. (Gk. kakistos, worst  +  -cracy)
>>Pat Wolk
>>6661 N. Forkner
>>Fresno, CA 93711

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