[FFCF-Fundraising] RE: [Board-FFCF] Roy Campanella Reception

Sue Kern skern at sti.net
Wed Mar 2 12:12:38 PST 2005

Vic, we discussed the 3/11/05 visit at last night's fundraising
committee meeting.  Cathy was following up on whether Margaret
Hudson's place was available, and Woody was seeing if Mel's Church
was available.  Can you contact them and make sure they know they
don't need to get a place for 3/12?  Also, we had talked about buying
$2 buck chuck and me bringing Hansel's cheese and crackers.  We
obviously won't need the wine at Full Circle, but do you want me to
bring cheese?

---- Original Message ----
From: vbedoian at kfcf.org
To: board at kfcf.org
Subject: RE: [Board-FFCF] Roy Campanella Reception
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 11:22:44 -0800

>Board Members,
>Things have changed.  Roy can't make it on March 11th and wanted to
>it to the 12th.  I have done so.  Here's the deal:
>KFCF Community Reception for KPFA General Manager Roy Campanella
>Full Circle Brewpub
>Saturday March 12 
>Noon to 2 pm
>620 F Street in Fresno Chinatown
>Admission Free - No Host Bar
>We can provide a light lunch of finger foods, beverages available
>from the
>After the reception Roy will meet with KFCF staff and  board
>privately at
>the KFCF office
>I will start advertising it.  We can work out the rest of the details
>the next few days.

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