[FFCF-Fundraising] FW: Amy in Fresno

Sue Kern skern at sti.net
Wed Aug 2 10:04:40 PDT 2006

>Vic, the fundraising committee met last night and we discussed all
of the things you've referred to.  We will have a formal
recommendation in our minutes for the 8/15/06 meeting, but just
briefly, we're recommending pricing the banquet at $40/ticket and the
Amy event for $10, with half off if they buy a banquet ticket.  We're
planning on pastries (hopefully from La Boulangerie), bagels and
cream cheese, fruit, yogurt, coffee, tea & juice, and possibly
scrabled eggs (but I'll check that out when I meet with Marc at the
facility next Wed. at 12:15).  I'll be working on the advertising
materials for both events this weekend, as well as an updated ad
agreement for the banquet program.  We had a few questions for you
   1.  When we mailed the invitations last year, did we include a
return envelope with a pre-paid stamp, and if so, did we pay for the
stamps for all the invites we sent out, or is it set up that we only
pay for the ones that are actually returned to us.  (If we pay for
all of them, we're not sure it's cost effective to do that since many
people order tickets without returning the card, so maybe we just
want to send the return envelope without a stamp).
   2.  Have you talked with the jazz group about whether they'd be
willing to play at the banquet without charge?  If not, I can ask
Lance again.
   3.  How much did you offer Matthew as an honorarium, so we can
know all the expenses ahead of time and make sure we're charging
enough per ticket.
   4.  We want to sell Democracy Now materials at both events and
would like to make sure we order enough before hand.  Can you take
care of that?  Also, we'd like to sell her books but want to know if
we can get them wholesale from Democracy Now or need to make
arrangements through a bookstore like Fig Garden.  We'd like to have
at least 3 dozen books on hand, so if we can get them wholesale,
maybe we should buy them since we can always sell them at other
   5.  We'd like to put out a call to listeners to solicit
nominations for the free speech award, asking for nominations by 9/12
(so we can discuss them at our 9/19 meeting).  Can you or Rych
arrange this (and maybe have Cathy do a cart about it?)

By the way, when we met with Nancy she told us we have a $887 credit
from last year's event.  The estimate for this year, if we have 165
people, is $4,200 (less the $887 credit).  We already have the first
deposit, and she'll need another $2,000 by 9/1/06.  I'm going to be
talking to Tom Willey and Hansel about donating vegetables again
which will help keep the price low.

If you can answer the above questions by this weekend that will be
helpful, so I can prepare a full recommendation to the board about
pricing, etc.  As I said in e-mail yesterday, I'll be out of state
between 8/11 and 8/20, so I want to get as much of this done this
weekend before I leave.  Thanks.
>---- Original Message ----
>From: vbedoian at kfcf.org
>To: fundraising at kfcf.org
>Subject: RE: [FFCF-Fundraising] FW: Amy in Fresno
>Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 09:24:47 -0700
>>Here is the confirmation from Denis on the Amy event on September
>24.  The
>>Machinists Union hall has been reserved and costs only $75.  Sounds
>like the
>>event should be roughly from 11 am to 2 pm.  That should give ample
>time for
>>late plane arrival and to get back to the airport.  Another thought
>- are
>>community groups going to set up tables or anything like that?  If
>>someone needs to take on the task of figuring out which groups to
>invite and
>>contacting them.  
>>We have already discussed the following and we'll need to make final
>>decisions soon: 
>>Are we going with the $10 ticket price?  I understand that the hall
>>300 seated in chairs (only 120 at tables).    
>>Are we going to give first crack at Amy tickets to banquet ticket
>>How exactly will that work?  I have some questions about it and
>don't really
>>know the answers.  It could get complicated. 
>>The food menu needs to be decided and tasks assigned.  There needs
>to be a
>>designated clean up crew, as that's part of the good deal we're
>getting on
>>the hall.  Are we going to use paper plates and plastic forks and
>set up
>>recycling cans?  Are we going to provide coffee and or juice?  Who's
>>that part?
>>Anyway, there are lots of things that need to be worked out.  Maybe
>>too long there needs to be a meeting of people working on this event
>>organizing part) to get the ball rolling.  Seven weeks goes by
>faster than
>>we think.  Plus, the banquet will be the week after and tickets will
>be sold
>>concurrently - so we have to keep things as simple as possible, for
>the sake
>>of everyone's sanity.
>>  _____  
>>From: Denis Moynihan [mailto:denis at democracynow.org] 
>>Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 2:21 PM
>>To: vbedoian at kfcf.org
>>Cc: Ragasa, Christine; julie crosby
>>Subject: Re: Amy in Fresno
>>Vic -
>>Chrisitine Ragasa from Hyperion will set up a bookseller, if that is
>>tentatively scheduled to arrive at 9:45 am, dep 2:50 pm - 
>>brother David Goodman will be there too
>>here is a link to the book:
>>More later 
>>Denis Moynihan
>>Outreach Director
>>Democracy Now!
>>212-431-9090 x806
>>917-549-5000 cell
>>Vic Bedoian wrote: 
>>Hi Denis,
>>Wanted to touch base with you about you guys coming to Fresno on
>>24 for a brunch gathering of the tribes.  We have reserved a venue -
>>the Machinists Union Hall here in Fresno.  They are letting us have
>it for
>>almost nothing and it will hold 300 people seated and has a kitchen.
> We
>>will do the brunch food with volunteer chefs and elves.  So that is
>>care of.  I will start the publicity about mid-August.  Are you
>>planning on arriving about 9 am on Sunday September 24 and leaving
>in the
>>early afternoon?  Is there anything else I should know about?  Hope
>all is
>>well with you in these sadly turbulent times.
>>Best Wishes,

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