[FFCF-PNA] Program Proposal form from KPFA Crisis era.

Rychard E Withers rych at rych.org
Thu Dec 9 16:42:52 PST 2004

KFCF 88.1
Program Proposals

/You can print this form with the "Print" key on your browser, but click 
on it first./


    The Fresno Free College Foundation seeks professional quality radio
    programming that reflects diverse viewpoints not likely to be aired
    on other broadcast media. Programming that reflects the views of
    under-represented ethnic groups, social justice groups and
    environmental groups based in the Central Valley are of particular
    interest. In addition, we are committed to presentation of diverse
    and creative arts and music programming. KPFA/KFCF music,
    <1pm_musc.html> drama, <1pm_dram.html> and news/public affairs
    <1pm_news.html> programs that existed before Tuesday, July 13, 1999
    <1pm_grid.html> are illustrative of desired programming.

    If you are interested in committing to serious programming, we are
    interested in you. The information we seek will help us decide
    whether your ideas fit into the programming mix. In addition, we
    need to be assured of your financial and technical commitment. If
    you don't have radio experience, do not be deterred. We will find a
    way to help you if we like your idea or see that it fills need.
    However, we need detailed information to make good decisions. You
    should think through your proposal carefully. Consequently, this
    form is designed to help you plan and us figure out how to use your
    idea, if we can.

    Our decision process is straightforward. Your proposal is read and
    screened by our programming committee, which is made of up of five
    board members. Others on the board may read the proposal. The
    program committee will make a decision whether to present the
    proposal to the board, or send it back to you for revision, or
    reject the proposal. Returned proposals can be reworked and

    This programming list is exhaustive, but we hope not exhausting. Do
    not be discouraged by its length or its complexity. Work through it
    as best you can and give us as much information as you have
    available. If we have specific questions, we may send it back. We do
    not want this list to discourage willing and able programmers from
    submitting proposals. On the other hand, we want you to think
    carefully about what you want to do, and we want sufficient
    information to make an informed and fair decision.

General Information:
	Name of producer, address, day, evening, and cell telephone, fax number 
and E-mail address.
	Organization, if any, that is sponsoring the proposal.
	Summary description of the proposal.
	Proposed length of each show.
	Number of shows proposed.
	Broadcast frequency: Daily, weekly, monthly, sporadically.

Program Description:
	Title of Show
	Name of on-air host(s)
	Description of broadcast experience of on-air host(s)
	Name of producer, if other than the person submitting the proposal.
	Detailed description of show
	Purpose of show
	Describe your analysis supporting your proposed length of show and 
broadcast frequency.
	What time slots are you seeking? State time slots in order of preference.
	If you will replace existing programming, describe why you think a 
replacement is necessary.
	Have you consulted with the person who is currently programming in your 
requested time slot?
	What programs, past or present, are closest to your proposal?
	If possible, provide us with a demo tape of one show to give us a feel 
for your proposal.

Audience Analysis:
	Description of target audience
	Age range, gender
	Ethnicity, if any.
	Political or ideological frame, if any.
	Estimated size of potential audience within KFCF broadcast area
	Estimate and analysis of what percentage of potential will listen
	Description and analysis of whether program will attract a new 
audience, appeal to current listeners, or both.
	Description of why this targeted audience will be interested in this 
	Description of marketing efforts to make this target audience aware of 
the program.

	Where will this show be produced, KFCF studio or elsewhere?
	Is the show live or taped?
	Do you or someone on your production team have sound board and 
recording experience? If so, describe.
	Are there any costs associated with this production? If so, please 
attach a line item expense budget.
	What will be the source or sources of funding for this program?
	If you intend to seek grants, will you be asking to use the Fresno Free 
College Foundation 501(c)(3) status as an umbrella?
	Describe how this show will be actually produced. What we want here is 
a description of your action plan for any given show.
	Describe how you plan to handle illness, vacations, and holidays in 
terms of maintaining broadcast continuity.
	Describe what resources you request, if any, from KFCF. This could 
include staffing, training, production assistance, office or studio 
supervision, etc.

	What is the objective of your show?
	Describe how you plan to measure whether you are reaching your objective.
	How often do you plan to measure your program's ability to meet your 
	Describe how you plan to report your findings to KFCF.

Sign, date, and send your proposal to KFCF, P.O. Box 4364, Fresno 
California 93744. You can also hand deliver it to the office, located on 
the southwest corner of Wishon and Pine, just a few blocks north of the 
Tower Theater.

Program Proposal Guidelines Approved August 9th, 1999
Copyright © 1999 Fresno Free College Foundation. All rights reserved.

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