[FFCF-PNA] Proposals and reviews

Rychard E Withers rych at rych.org
Thu Dec 9 17:26:56 PST 2004

Here are a few more:

KPFT Form for community review of shows: 


University of Toronto Proposal forms:

UK/Fresh Air:

University of Alaska:
KEOS College Station TX:

WNYC Proposal form:
WNYC is committed to serving its audience on the air, on line and 
through a range of community
activities. One way it works to accomplish this service is through the 
ongoing evaluation of its
programming schedule, through the refinement of existing programs and 
through the creation of new
programs and special series. We welcome your proposals for new programs 
and will evaluate them every
three months in our Program Review Meetings.
To complete your program submission, we ask you answer the following 
questions as completely as
1. Contact information:
Primary Contact:
Title (if any)
Company (if any)
Secondary Contact:
Title (if any)
Company (if any)
2. What is the proposed title of your program?
3. Would you characterize your program as primarily
A. music-oriented
B. news or talk-oriented
C. focused on arts and culture
D. a documentary
4. Do you envision this program airing:
A. daily (weekdays)
B. weekly
C. as a single one time show
5. For how long do you envision the program continuing?
A. For ______ shows
B. Indefinitely
6. Where will the program be produced? If you plan to use WNYC 
facilities, please be as specific as
possible about what type of studios and equipment you require.
7. Will you require any remote equipment or facilities outside WNYC to 
which you do not currently have
access? Be specific.

8. How do you propose to fund the program?
9. Do you have businesses/organizations/individuals interested in 
funding the program? If yes, please
provide details.
10. WNYC is a public radio station, and must follow rules regarding 
involvement with commercial
interests and other organizations. To help us evaluate any potential 
conflict, provide detail on any
organizations (commercial and non-profit) or individuals which may have 
a connection to this program,
including web sites, authors, information providers, institutions, etc.
11. Does anyone currently hold licenses, contracts or interests 
pertaining to the show name, show concept,
underpinning idea, hosts, or other aspects of the show? If so, be very 
specific on what those licenses or
contracts are and how WNYC would be cleared for use of the elements on 
the radio and online.
12. When would you like the program to air/begin airing, if approved?

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