[FFCF-PNA] Various Complaints

Stanley Poss olpossumus at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 8 12:53:29 PDT 2005

The PNA committee will discuss Debbie and Mark's
accusations of failure to observe due process at its
meeting 9 August 200s, 7:00, at the station. 
Presumably the Board will take up the issue at its
next meeting.

Regarding Debbie's imputation of nepotism and
collusion ("Janet Flores is a member of the PNA
Committee, and her husband's program is up for
evaluation"), I dismiss this as unfounded, unjust, and
recriminatory in tone.  Janet's not a voting member of
the Committee, unless the by-laws say otherwise, and
Rick's program was selected at random.  Janet attends
PNA meetings out of (commendable) interest.  She has
no agenda I know of.  Debbie conversely has failed,
for whatever reasons, to attend regularly.  In fact,
she's been mostly absent.  If I were as legalistically
preoccupied as some and if I were to observe the
letter of the (by)law(s), I'd probably be justified in
removing her.  

As to Mark's threat to "dissolve and reform" the
Committee, I say make your motion and be damned to
you.  Run it up the flagpole, Good Buddy, see how the
cookie crumbles, let the crumbs falls where they may.

Not that I take any of this personally you understand.
 But I will say that putative substance aside I'm just
a tad annoyed by the accusatory tone of the
communications from Debbie and Mark.  It's espcially
galling to me to see our best and brightest and
hardest-working Board member SueEllen, to my mind the
jewel in the Board's crown, come in for recrimination
because of a scheduling screw-up.  Who hasn't screwed
up one way or another?  Who then shall 'scape
whipping?  None, evidently.

Nothing I've said above reduces my appreciation for
the labors in the Pacifica vineyard Debbie and Mark
have performed and are performing.  I respect and 
admire their commitment and their good works for the
cause to which presumably we're all devoted.

                  In semisolidarity,

                  Subcommandante Stan

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