[FFCF-PNA] Minutes from PNA Meeting of 9 August 2005

Stanley Poss olpossumus at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 12 12:26:14 PDT 2005

l.  Quorum present, including Janet and Rick Flores. 
Members present:  Stan, Vic, Dave, Randy, Janet. 
Members absent:  Leni and Rych.  Stan siad he was
wrong in his email to the Board of 9 August when he
said Janet wasn't a member o fht committee.  Board had
previously held that any member-at-large who attended
three consecutive meetings could be considered a
member.  Debbie has unofficially resigned from the

2.  No minutes available of previous meeting of 2 May,
Rych and Leni being absent.

3.  No distribution of CDs of "Street Heat," "Valley
Politics,"  and "Wasteland of the Free" in Rych's
absence.  In any case, consensus that we hold off on
program evaluations until heat and dust re accusations
of failure to observe due process clear.

4.  Reading and discussion of Debbie's hand-delivered
memo (she didn't stay:  see No. l above).
Consideration and approval of Janet's suggestions for
additions to Program Evalution forms to be forwarded
to Board.  The suggestions are to be considered as a
draft addendum to the original evalution form for the
Board to modify, approve, or disapprove.

5.  Consensus that we start over with random selection
of programs for vetting because of mistrust and bad
feeling.  See No. 3 above.  We will redraw programs
for evaluation.

6.  The chair is to remind the Board that the brouhaha
over Janet's suggestions coming after the Board
approval of the original evalution form came simply
because they came in to the committee after that
approval.  No inferences of shenanigans are justified.

7.  No action yet on results of Listener Survey.

8.  Vic will remind local program listeners and
programmers of local program changes to conform to
KPFA's changes.

9.  Next meeting l4 September, Wed., 7:00, station.

l0. Adjournment

Submitteed by Stan Poss, Sec. ProTem

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