[FFCF-PNA] program committee, natch

Leni Reeves barrysresoles at netptc.net
Fri Feb 4 07:14:49 PST 2005

Dear Colleagues,
     Actually, Stan, and all of us except Deb, got my suggested form
for program eval at the last meeting.  So that's one form we could
work on.  I've been working with the listener surveys, not so much to
find out what people thought in '99, tho that's interesting, as to
find out what a usable survey would be like.  Some considerations:
   We are asking for way more information than we have any way of
tabulating or using.  As far as I can tell, the questions on the
survey which actually got into "results form" were those on local
programming (more, less, or the same) and on underwriting.  I guess
it would be possible for someone with lots of time and good computer
skills to generate a cumulative score for each program from the 0-5
numderical ratings on all shows, but then what?  What I did do (and
it took 2 people many hours) is tabulate the number of people who
listed each show as one they most liked to hear, and also for the
"least liked" shows. ( No surprise, Democracy Now is #1, but some of
the other results may or may not surprise you.) However, that was
then.  Now I believe we should think about what we really want to
know and ask those questions.  I'm working on the same principle here
as that used at work: don't do the test if it isn't going to
influence the thinking or decision making.  However, I haven't got
this idea into survey form yet .  Perhaps we could think about it
together.  I don't think cancelling the meeting is a good idea at
all, maybe just because we've put a fair bit of work in so far.    
cheers, Leni

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