[FFCF-PNA] Leni's questionaire

Rych Withers rych at rych.org
Sun Feb 6 23:55:53 PST 2005

Generally I like what Leni came up with but would add a few things:
1.)  under guest: prevented guest from hi-jacking show.

2.) under guests: Are guests from outside the station?

3.) Technical:

Mic skills ,audio  levels, pre-recorded segment quality,  transitions, 
timing, getting in and out of KPFA,   right songs/promos cued up?

4.)  Does host drop everything to take a phone call?

5.) Is Board Op asking questions and doing commentary? Should they be?

6.) Is the host or guest reading long passages? Do they have the oratory 
skills to be doing that?

7.) Is music used appropriate?

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