[FFCF-PNA] misc

Leni Reeves barrysresoles at netptc.net
Tue Jan 11 12:53:48 PST 2005

This is partly a test of the email site and partly an attempt to
1. Rych and Rand, it's snowing hard and there's about 4" on the
ground already.  Noon, Tues
2. Draft Policy Statement.  I've got:
"The Programming Committee's mission is to develop criteria for
evaluating new programs, to receive and evaluate proposals for new
programs from the Program Director or the public, to recommend
appropriate new programs to the Program Director, who will take
action and then report to the Board.  The mission includes regular
evaluation of existing programs and community needs assessment."
Does this sound accurate to everyone?
3. Can of worms for the Board, if not already dealt with somewhere in
the bylaws: what constitutes committee membership?  Obviously
meetings are all open to everyone.  Who has a voting membership?
     cheers,  Leni

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