[FFCF-PNA] minutes

Leni Reeves barrysresoles at netptc.net
Mon Jul 11 15:21:13 PDT 2005

Hi team,
As I mentioned before, I will come to this meeting late, after I get
off work. Apologies again for my bad scheduling.  Here are the
minutes for the last meeting.  I also typed up a Program Proposal
form, but as it does not differ substantially from Vic's very nice
one there is no need to indlude it here: I'll bring it to the meeting
as part of the minutes however.  see ya  Leni
Program committee KFCF Minutes for June 13 2005
1.  Members present: chair Stan Poss, Dave Gendron, Rych flores, Vic
Bedoian, (Rand Stover?) Leni Reeves.  guest Janet Flores
2. Minutes from May 2 meeting approved.
3.  Vic discussed possible changes in KPFA's afternoon schedule and
how KFCF could best respond to these changes if they occur.
4. Discussion of Program Proposal Form: consensus on a form combining
the best of the KPFA and KFCF proposal forms.
5. Concurrence in program evaluation schedule and organiztion as
approved at the May meeting.
Next meeting scheduled for July12 7pm at the station
Adjourned 8:40pm

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