[FFCF-PNA] CDs for Evaluation

Stanley Poss olpossumus at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 12 12:12:28 PDT 2005

Randy, Janet, Leni--At our meeting last night Rych
passed out three CDs for evaluation, l on "Valley
Politics" and two on "Sreet Heat."  Pls pick'em up
from Rych, or possibly Vic may have'em at the office. 
I didn't get that straight.

Does everyone have copies of the Evaluation forms? 
Let's get cracking on responding to the programs we're
vetting.  I hope we can have some Evaluation forms for
the next meeting to share.  Each of us shd xerox
copies of our filled-out forms to share with the
committee when me we meet on l5 November at the
station, 7:00.

                       Subcommandante Stan

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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