[FFCF-PNA] FW: [KPFA Program Council] Grid Ecology

Vic Bedoian vbedoian at kfcf.org
Tue Apr 18 09:41:40 PDT 2006

Hi All....Here is some interesting information from KPFA


From: programcouncil-bounces at lists.kpfa.org
[mailto:programcouncil-bounces at lists.kpfa.org] On Behalf Of Tracy Rosenberg
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 6:13 PM
To: Program Council Email List
Subject: [KPFA Program Council] Grid Ecology

Hi all,

As requested, here is another copy of the grid ecology worksheet to review.
For those who wish, we are planning to discuss the first section called
"listenership" on Tuesday April 25th. Written responses to the six questions
in that section might give us some good material to work with and discuss



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